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"Banned Parenthood" and Microcephaly

From the Blog iabhopal I recently came across an article with the above caption written in 2015 and it immediately brought to my mind an old Urdu write-up ? Afsana (fiction story), may have been Minto but I only remember the abominable and heart-wrenching contents. But first a word or two about "Banned". Many years ago USA practiced "Eugenics" almost like Nazi/Hitler's. The 'committee' ordered Surgical "sterilization of young women (and men) considered to be unfit for parent-hood like: Feeblemindedness too poor physically disabled — and so on. That eugenics committee dissolved in 1977 (Thank God). There may still be other ways of continuing the "selection' process and I will not go further except mentioning that pictures I saw (in that article) were those of African-American grandmother who looked pepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3319206634555031861 Pakistani Blog Posts


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